Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone’s honesty with just a glance

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Aug22,2024
Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone's honesty with just a glance 3
Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone's honesty with just a glance 3

In a conversation, of course words will be the nucleus.

Below are a few common body languages that are not difficult to recognize but quite accurately reflect the other person’s sincerity in a conversation.

Frequent eye movements are not always a sign that someone is lying.

However, don’t be mistaken that people often look down because it’s a natural behavior when they’re trying to remember something.

If you see someone glued to their screen throughout the date, this could indicate that they are afraid of confrontation or worried that a text from someone else could appear at any time.

In fact, this is also an extremely bad habit.

Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone's honesty with just a glance

Blinking is a natural human behavior, but if you are observant, you may be able to recognize unusual blinks, perhaps someone blinking too much or too little.

You may not realize it, but 55% of our conversations are nonverbal, and hand and foot gestures are an important part and reflect a lot about the other person’s attitude.

In particular, crossed arms can indicate defensiveness or self-protection, while crossed legs can indicate discomfort with someone.

Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone's honesty with just a glance

Using hand gestures is a good habit when you are talking to people.

However, like everything else, if a person’s hand gestures or body language exceed normal levels, they are probably lying.

Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone's honesty with just a glance

You can spot `healthy` hand gestures by paying attention to the position of your hands when talking.

This is an extremely important sign in a conversation.

Usually, people who lie tend to change their normal voice to a higher pitch.

Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone's honesty with just a glance

Source: Bright Site

Experts reveal 6 effective ways to read body language, helping to capture anyone's honesty with just a glance

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