China blames the US for spreading fear about the corona virus

Avatar of Daniel By Daniel Jun7,2024 #China #spreading
China blames the US for spreading fear about the corona virus 0
China blames the US for spreading fear about the corona virus 0

(Dan Tri) – China accused the US of spreading fear about the new coronavirus and said Washington was not helpful in preventing the outbreak.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying (Photo: Reuters)

In a statement released today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said that many countries appreciate China’s efforts in preventing the acute respiratory infection caused by the new corona virus (nCoV).

`Meanwhile, some countries, especially the US, have overreacted, going against the recommendations of the World Health Organization,` Ms. Oanh said.

Ms. Oanh said that the flu epidemic in the US during the 2019-2020 period caused a much higher number of deaths and infections than the pneumonia epidemic caused by nCoV.

Ms. Hoa Xuan Oanh’s comments were made in the context of the pneumonia epidemic caused by nCoV, which has killed 361 people and infected about 18,000 people in China.

As for the US, officials of this country affirmed that they have repeatedly offered to help China suppress the epidemic but have not been accepted.

The army provides necessities to epidemic areas

According to the Hoa Nam Morning Post, the Chinese military has been tasked with providing essential supplies to the Wuhan epidemic center in the context that this city of more than 10 million people continues to be blockaded to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

CCTV Radio and Television said that the Chinese army has established a logistics team in Hubei province today, February 3.

Meanwhile, Wuhan health officials said they lack a lot of medical equipment from hospital beds to protective gowns and masks in the fight against the epidemic.

The Chinese military has dispatched 1,400 military doctors and nurses to Wuhan to assist.

The world could lose 160 billion USD because of nCoV

The nCoV pneumonia epidemic is having a major impact not only on the Chinese economy but also on many economies around the world.

`Fear, not deaths, will deal the biggest blow to the global economy,` Professor McKibbin said.

He said that the corona virus epidemic could cause 120-160 billion USD in damage to the global economy.

Minh Phuong Summary

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By Daniel

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