The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Sep14,2024
The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy 3
The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy 3

As soon as Oscar 88 announced the nominations, the hashtag #OscarSoWhite (white Oscar) was used to express racial injustice.

Boycott campaign

Tensions escalated in the following days, and the first shot was Jada Pinkett Smith.

Ms. Smith’s controversial statement quickly received support from the black community.

On the other side of the ocean, Idris Elba shared his views before the British Parliament in a softer way.

The conciliatory announcement by Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs (a person of color) did not seem to ease the situation.

The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy

Among white actors, George Clooney also mentioned Oscar’s regression.

`The Empire Strikes Back`

With 82 years of age, 60 years of dedication to the seventh art and six Oscar nominations, every time Michael Caine speaks, the whole of Hollywood listens.

Causing heated controversy is the statement of Charlotte Rampling, a 60-year-old actress who just received an Oscar nomination for Leading Actress.

In response, supporters of the boycott said that Caine and Rampling were the Academy’s `role models`: old and white.

The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy

What are people of color doing too?

To see things in general, let’s look at The Economist’s chart.

The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy

In 2013, to win the Supporting Actress award, black actress Lupita Nyong’o surpassed Jennifer Lawrence, the `muse` loved by critics.

If there is injustice at the Oscars, the people who speak up must be from the Hispanic and Asian groups.

The funny thing is that everyone who boycotts the Oscars mentions `big and bad` things, but they try to ignore naming any black candidate who was overlooked.

Will Smith and Michael B. Jordan may be great in Concussion and Creed, but honestly, which of Bryan Cranston, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Fassbender and Eddie Redmayne could be passed over to make room for

The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy

The writer still remembers the MasterChef competition in 2012. At that time, Christine Ha was a contestant of Vietnamese origin and was partially blind and had to use a cane to walk.

That is civilized behavior on both sides, an expression of fairness and the American dream.

Moves such as demanding to boycott the Oscars and bring more black people into the Academy are somewhat childish, and show dissatisfaction when no black name has been able to convince the council in the past two years.

The campaign to boycott the Oscars by black actors causes controversy

When you still demand special privileges, people cannot treat you fairly.

(According to Kenh14 – Young Intellectuals)

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