Catalonia must answer the ultimatum: `Yes` or `No` is both a loss

Avatar of Hannah By Hannah Jun8,2024 #Catalonia #ultimatum
Catalonia must answer the ultimatum: `Yes` or `No` is both a loss 2
Catalonia must answer the ultimatum: `Yes` or `No` is both a loss 2

When the Spanish government issued an ultimatum, the separatists in Catalonia immediately fell into a difficult situation.

Counterattack alertly

It can be said that the Spanish central government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy giving an ultimatum to the separatist leaders of Catalonia region is a very effective tactic at this time.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (Photo: Reuters).

It should be recalled that on October 10, Mr. Carles Puigdemont, leader of the Catalonia regional government, made a very vague statement, affirming that the Catalonia region would become an independent country, but then it became clear that Catalonia would become an independent country.

The main purpose of the Catalan separatist leaders, therefore, is to buy time to put pressure on the Spanish government, seek more support and call for international intervention, especially the United Nations.

Therefore, when the Spanish government issued an ultimatum, the separatists in Catalonia immediately fell into a difficult situation.

If we do not dare to confirm that we have declared independence, then the previous results, especially the referendum on October 1, will be considered as lost.

If this scenario occurs, sympathy or support for the separatists in Catalonia at this time is clearly very little by almost every major power in Europe, then the US, or the European Union, and even without.

Internally, the Catalan separatists are therefore very divided.

It can be said that the Spanish government’s ultimatum is putting the Catalonia government in a difficult situation.

Gain more than lose

The Spanish government’s ultimatum is a conscious counter-attack tactic and based on current developments, it can be said that the Spanish government has gained more than it has lost.

The biggest gain is breaking the time-buying tactic of the separatists in Catalonia, not giving this faction enough time and space to seek support from outside.

The key issue lies in the fact that the Spanish government has clear legal legitimacy and strong international political support.

This is more clearly shown in the fact that although the deadline for the ultimatum was set at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, October 16, the Spanish government later postponed this deadline until the morning of Thursday, October 19.

This is not a concession to the separatists in Catalonia, but because the Spanish government wants to prepare carefully in case it has to use Article 155 of the Constitution, which means it will have to take direct control of the police force.

The Spanish government’s loss, if there is one, is that it has pushed tensions to the current climax and is determined not to dialogue, which of course can create the risk of an explosion of tensions if the separatists

Catalonia must answer the ultimatum: `Yes` or `No` is both a loss

Catalonia region leaders have 5 days to clarify the status of independence.

At that time, Spain’s political, security and economic environment will certainly be affected.

It will be time to get off the ladder

The separatists in Catalonia will find it very difficult to give a clear answer to the Spanish government.

The essence of the Catalonia problem over the past time lies in the fact that there is a group of political parties taking advantage of the discontent of the Catalan people to inflame nationalism and localism for political purposes.

Even this group itself did not dare to believe and dare to pursue to the end the intention of creating an independent Catalonia state.

The real purpose of the separatists is probably just to seek a more powerful autonomous status for the Catalonia region, not necessarily an independent state.

Currently, up to 540 businesses in Catalonia are looking to leave their headquarters from this region from October 1 until now, and all future economic predictions are pessimistic if Catalonia becomes independent.

Therefore, there will come a time when the separatist government in Catalonia must give up considering independence as its top demand, and only then can dialogue with the Spanish government begin.

The current tense and deadlock situation, if prolonged, will not benefit any party, but the biggest loser will still be the separatists in Catalonia.

According to Quang Dung

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By Hannah

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